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Grade 6

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In Grade 6, students consolidate the learning gained in previous years of their primary schooling and build new skills that will equip them in future years. They begin to explore their relationship with the broader community and the world through a curriculum that enhances their critical and creative thinking.  Students are encouraged to be themselves and continue to build their own identity. This is a crucial stage for students as they begin to form their views about the world and how they fit in it.

Students participate in activities that support their collaboration and self-esteem such as: camps, incursions, sporting events and artistic activities.


In Literacy, our focus in Grade 6 is to:


  • Read a range of texts fluently and with understanding

  • Identify author’s purpose and craft

  • employ comprehension skills to gain information through reading related to other learning areas

  • continue to build and use morphological, smallest unit of meaning in words, spelling strategies.

  • Consolidate their writing craft through the Talk for Writing process:

  • Analysis and memorisation of rich writing pieces

  • Identify some of writers’ tools

  • Explicit and guided practice of these skills

  • Plan, draft, edit and publish texts



In Numeracy, Grade 6 students develop their understanding, reasoning, problem-solving and fluency, through rich maths tasks. Students work independently and in groups to solve problems and communicate what they have learned in multiple ways.



  • Apply their knowledge of Place Value to problems involving all four operations

  • Operate with fractions and begin to operate with decimals

  • Make connections between fractions, decimals and percentages and apply this knowledge to financial plans

  • Solve problems involving measurement and geometry

  • Begin to understand the cartesian plane by plotting coordinates

  • Conduct chance experiments with and without digital technologies

  • Interpret data in the media


In 2023, students are exploring the following topics during Inquiry

  • Who We Are - Becoming aware of our strengths, emotions and attitudes allows our self-identity to develop.

  • How We Express Ourselves - People can create and manipulate media using a variety of strategies to influence thinking.

  • Sharing The Planet - Human’s use of the environment can bring about conflict. Finding peaceful solutions to conflict leads to a better quality of human life.

  • How The World Works - Science and technological advancements can impact society and the environment.

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